Clark County Trophy Page » 2015 Gallery Photos

Fred Bezler made a great shot on this 228 lb. 8 Pt. on this years Disabled Hunt. A big thank you to Sabine Hartmann for donating her land for this hunt

Fred Bezler made a great shot on this 228 lb. 8 Pt. on this years Disabled Hunt. A big thank you to Sabine Hartmann for donating her land for this hunt

Duane Bruseth and Bob Landini with Duane's beautiful Bobcat shot near Willard Jan. 2nd

Duane Bruseth and Bob Landini with Duane's beautiful Bobcat shot near Willard Jan. 2nd

Chase Seebecker arrowed this 218 lb. dandy Oct 1st, the buck green scored at 150

Chase Seebecker arrowed this 218 lb. dandy Oct 1st, the buck green scored at 150

Johny Bayuk arrowed this huge 8 Pt.

Johny Bayuk arrowed this huge 8 Pt.

Mike Brey had help from Jim Clark dragging this huge 13 Pt with a 23 inch spread

Mike Brey had help from Jim Clark dragging this huge 13 Pt with a 23 inch spread

Steve Spath with his beautiful 8 Pt.

Steve Spath with his beautiful 8 Pt.

Good day of Coyote hunting

Good day of Coyote hunting

John Trunkel tagged this 18 inch wide 8 Pt.

John Trunkel tagged this 18 inch wide 8 Pt.

Kole Bogdonovich waited until the last day to get his buck

Kole Bogdonovich waited until the last day to get his buck

Austin Monson knocked this one down on Tuesday

Austin Monson knocked this one down on Tuesday

Len Duquette dropped this big 8 Pt. near Mead lake

Len Duquette dropped this big 8 Pt. near Mead lake

Ron Sowieja used his recurve to stick this 8 Pt.

Ron Sowieja used his recurve to stick this 8 Pt.

Ron's buck right before he arrowed it (this guy is good)

Ron's buck right before he arrowed it (this guy is good)

Ty Genteman with his 19 inch 11 Pt

Ty Genteman with his 19 inch 11 Pt

Trenton Klabon nailed this 185# 9 Pt. on Oct 10th

Trenton Klabon nailed this 185# 9 Pt. on Oct 10th

Luke Bogdonovich got lucky again,

Luke Bogdonovich got lucky again,

Will Zalizniak bagged this 11-pointer a few miles North of Withee.

Will Zalizniak bagged this 11-pointer a few miles North of Withee.

Trenton having a great year, he arrowed this 10 Pt. Nov. 8th

Trenton having a great year, he arrowed this 10 Pt. Nov. 8th

Jackson, Austin and Tyler having a good day Squirrel hunting

Jackson, Austin and Tyler having a good day Squirrel hunting

Jack Trunkel put an arrow in this one

Jack Trunkel put an arrow in this one



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